Sustainability Superstar: April Luehmann

April Luehmann, Associate Professor, Warner School of Education, is the program director of Get Real! Science (GRS). GRS doubles as a teacher education program and offers out-of-school programming for students to… Sustainability Superstar: April Luehmann

Connecting with Sustainability Resources

The University offers many opportunities to educate and engage students, faculty, and affiliates, especially when it relates to sustainability. Even with social distancing in place and most events going virtual,… Connecting with Sustainability Resources

Community Tree Planting Honors Tree Campus USA Recognition

The University has been recognized as a Tree Campus Institution for a milestone tenth year in a row. Tree Campus USA is a national program created in 2008 by the… Community Tree Planting Honors Tree Campus USA Recognition

Celebrate Earth Day while Social Distancing

First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day demonstrates support for environmental protection. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and individuals worldwide will come together to focus on this… Celebrate Earth Day while Social Distancing