Is bottled water better for me?

  Bottled water is more popular in America than in almost any other country. Companies are selling Americans something they can basically get for free from their kitchen faucets, at… Is bottled water better for me?

Do you have WaterSense?

WaterSense is an EPA sponsored program that promotes and certifies water efficient products, programs and practices. Water is the most essential resource on earth. Over 400 billion gallons of water… Do you have WaterSense?

5 Painless Ways to Conserve Water

I received my water bill in the mail this week. Most times, I toss the extra papers and don’t pay any attention to them. Today, I stopped and took a… 5 Painless Ways to Conserve Water

Water Bottle Refill Stations on Campus

In an effort to reduce consumption of plastic water bottles and to promote sustainability on campus, the River Campus is home to numerous water bottle refill stations that students can… Water Bottle Refill Stations on Campus