Learn Your Carbon Footprint

Some calculators even reveal how many “worlds” it would take to support a global population who lived like you. Because we rarely think of sustainability in number of worlds, these devices help offer new, and unique perspectives on how big our impact really is. Learn Your Carbon Footprint

Get Networked

How to Connect to Student Sustainability Groups on Campus   If you are an undergraduate at the University of Rochester with a passion for sustainability, we’ve got great news: there… Get Networked

Sustainability Research with UR Faculty

Are you interested in doing sustainability related research, or do you want to get connected to University of Rochester faculty who share an interest in sustainability? At the U of… Sustainability Research with UR Faculty

Study Sustainability Abroad

Sustainability and environmental sciences have significant global impact, so why not take your study of these subjects global as well? The University’s Center for Study Abroad provides students with countless… Study Sustainability Abroad

Where to Recycle on Campus

Have you ever been walking around campus, holding an empty iced drink container from Starbucks, wondering where on earth you should go to recycle it? Luckily, there are places to… Where to Recycle on Campus