Getting Kids to Go Green

It can be difficult to get children to understand what being green means, and if they do understand, it can still be a struggle to get them to care about sustainability. You don’t have to spew facts at them about recycling and conserving resources, and have them furiously take notes. Instead, try to use green activities to teach them about sustainability, while making green behaviors a regular part of life around the house.

Some green activities you can do with your children are ones you might already do, but can be done greener and include the children. One suggestion is to make an organic garden with your children, and letting them pitch in as much as possible, while teaching them about composting and conserving resources like water. Some crafts can also be green, such as making clay pots, baskets made of twigs, and wrapping books with old newspapers or paper bags. You can also look for children’s books and videos that are specifically geared to teach children about green issues in a way they can understand.

In addition to fun activities to encourage children to learn about sustainability, involve them in your normal green routines. Let them help you sort through the recycling bin or collect food items for composting. Encourage them to reduce water use by turning off the water while brushing their teeth, and conserve energy by unplugging their electronics when not in use. Show your children how they can recycle goods, by donating their older toys and clothes, and purchasing new ones for them at consignment shops or thrift stores. If you like to shop at farmers’ markets, take them along with you and have them pick out some locally grown, organic foods.

Don’t expect your children to turn green overnight. You can help them learn by offering suggestions and encouragement often, while making sustainability fun and easy to understand, so they want to participate.

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