Recycling Coordinator Returns


It is a new year and I, Amy Kadrie (your recycling coordinator), am back to work after a very joyous life-changing event.  I am pleased to announce that Liliana Grace Kadrie came to this world on September 25th. She is completely wonderful and I most definitely enjoyed my time at home with her. While I was changing diapers and getting up for late night feedings, some exciting things went on here at the University. An improved score in the College Sustainability Report Card (that’s right- we got an A-!), another record breaking electronics collection event, and a great score in the EPA’s Game Day Challenge are just to name a few. Go Rochester! I want to thank Rayna Oliker for doing such a fantastic job filling in for me in my absence.

People always say that parenthood will change your life forever. Now that I do have a child of my own, the value of preserving and protecting the environment for future generations to come is more important to me than ever. I know that together we can all do our part to collectively make a real difference. My hope is that some day in the future history will reflect that kind of conscious change made by concerned individuals. It starts with dreaming big, I guess!

 Now that I am back and ready to make some more progress, please continue to send me your ideas and suggestions for improvement. Let’s make 2011 a great year for recycling!

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