Starting Your Own Garden

With spring and summer comes one of the most wonderful parts of warmer weather: gardening! Gardening is the perfect activity to get you outside, breathing fresh air and connecting with the Earth. Having your hands in the soil knowing that you’re helping give life to more glorious plants is a wonderful feeling! There are many factors that play into a successful garden, including: location, amount of sunlight, amount of time you have available, the time of year, where you live, etc. This can be a little overwhelming if you’re a first time gardener so here are some helpful tips for creating your garden.

Do some research

The first step, especially if you’re a beginner, would be to read up on gardening. Each plant is different so depending on what you would like to grow, there are specific things your garden might need. If you know which plants you’d like to grow, read up on those. If not, try going to

Decide which plants to grow

Each plant is unique in its wants and needs, just like us! That means that every plant needs a different amount of water, different types of soil, varying amounts of sunlight and other maintenance things. This is why doing research first is so important. The easiest veggies to start in the spring (for beginners) are spinach, lettuce, kale, radishes and cucumbers. Some nice plants to try indoors are tomatoes,

Find your location

If you decide to have a small indoor garden, make sure you have a small box, planters or pots that are big enough for the plants you would like to grow. Many plants need a lot of sunlight, so be sure to pick a spot that meets this need. If you’d like to start a garden right in your backyard, you can either plant directly into the ground or use a raised garden bed! This video teaches you how to create your own for under 15$.


If you want to plant from seeds, you must first

There are tons of resources out there that can help you start your garden.

Starting from seeds: this website can help you determine whether or not you want to plant seeds or buy some already seeded plants from the nursery. It also helps you get started on how to plant seeds!

Gardening indoors: If you think you might not have the space or supplies for an outdoor garden, this site tells you everything you need to start a garden indoors!

Raised beds: This website covers all the basics of outdoor gardening in raised beds, like finding the location, setting up the garden, when and what to plant and tending to the garden.

When to plant: If you’re wondering what to plant and when to plant it, this website allows you to choose your location and gives you a planting schedule for several plants!

Your new garden can not only brighten your day with its vibrant colors and the promise of life, but it can get you excited to start eating food you’ve grown all on your own!


Written by Olivia Giovannini-Dolan, Class of 2020

Photo Credit:


One Reply to “Starting Your Own Garden”

  1. You cover how to start a vegetable garden from scratch, which vegetables to grow, and when to plant what. you added a “starter” garden plan consisting of easy-to-grow vegetables, companion planting techniques.
    I love Reading this. It Contain all the Necessary Information about how to Start your Own Garden and I must Start one for mine.

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