Can I Pre-Cycle That?

PREvent waste before you reCYCLE. One of the main ways we can prevent waste while working toward wellness goals is through precycling, which includes thinking about purchases and choosing options that generate less waste. Today we offer tips on how to precycle your way through your 2021 through waste reduction and reuse.



  • Choose reusable beverage and food containers for hydration and healthy meals/snacks.
  • Try before you buy and check out equipment rental programs if possible. If not, look for gently used fitness equipment, gear, and clothing.
  • Trade in programs. If you’d like to update a fitness tracker or similar device, check to see if trade in programs or refurbished options are available.
  • Resell or donate. Did a fitness activity or gadget turn out not to be your thing? Find friends, neighbors or donation locations for gear, equipment and clothing you no longer need. Always follow the CDC’s Covid-19 protocols.

Tips are Courtesy of the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation