Clay’s Green Corner

Spring is here! Spring is here! Spring is here!  No, I’m not excited. Why do you ask?

The weather has finally taken a turn for the better in the Finger Lakes/Western New York region and we are all delighted. I truly hope you are seeing signs of spring where you are.

When we last got together we were discussing your spring cleaning chores. Notice I said “your ” chores. I’m way too busy blogging to clean; um, and bunches of other reasons, too. Trust me. Spring Fever!

Since the weather is peachy, this is a great time to re-introduce yourself to the great outdoors. Even if you are a snow lover and spend many hours outside, the warm temperatures and longer days brings all of us outside. So, before we go back inside to clean, let’s stay in the yard for awhile. If you live in a snow belt, you definitely know the feeling you get when all the snow melts and you can see the ground, pavements and roads. It’s disgusting!! Really, yes! The snow covers up  months of debris, a lot of it, unfortunately caused by people discarding trash with no care of where it lands. Some of the debris is just broken branches, mud, rocks and stones. One way to feel really good about the spring is to clean up your neighborhood. Apartment dwellers are welcome too. Just about anyplace, USA has a neighborhood association. Check out your local community and participate in a group clean-up. If you stick to your own yard or not, please remember our safety tips: get good canvas gloves, wear eye protection and if you wandering into large bushes and brush wear a long sleeve shirt and pants. Don’t forget a hat and sun block too. We get so enthused about the warm weather, we forget the sun is quite strong and while it feels good, we need to be careful. Now that the outside is all nice and tidy, where is that ‘stuff’ going? Again, check with your county for the best way to dispose of leaves, branches, and bushes.

Now, get back inside and clean up those rooms. Take down those dingy curtains and blinds. A great way to clean blinds is to fill your tub with a mix of vinegar and water, and just let the crud wash away. Speaking of vinegar, you know it is a fantastic cleaner. There are many, many common household items that can be used to clean. They are cheap, environmentally friendly and, oh, did I mention cheap. If you are cleaning floors, woodwork, laminate, tile, carpets, cabinets, drawers, walls and windows, I bet there is something in your home already you can use. Do a  web search and use what is best for the surface you are cleaning.

Finally, you are done! Well, don’t just sit there and enjoy your exhausting effort, invite friends and family over so they can mess your place up. It’s all part of Spring Fever.

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2 Replies to “Clay’s Green Corner”

  1. I like the recommendations – we all tend to keep too much and can’t find what we need when we need it. I even like the storage bins, they are a very attractive way to hide recycling containers.

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