Earth Week Starts Early at UR

Earth DayThis year will be a very special Earth Day as it marks the 40th anniversary of the world-wide event, held on April 22nd. There will be many celebratory activities going on throughout Earth Week staring off with the kick-off event this Saturday, the 17th. Students of the environmental group Grassroots have coordinated this event but welcome all to attend including students, faculty, staff, families, and the greater Rochester community. There will be tabling and live entertainment as well as an annual tree planting. You can do your part by bringing empty ink jets, toner cartridges, and small handheld electronics (cell phones, PDA’s, cameras, etc) to be recycled. See flyer for details.

Depending on what group you are talking to the Week of April 19th will be called many things including “Earth Week”, “Green Week”, and “Local Foods Week”. Dining Services is featuring a Local Foods Week with its annual Eat Well Live Local trade show held on Thursday, April 22nd in the May Room of Wilson Commons. Other highlights of the week include a screening of the movie Fresh, a water taste test, a debate on global warming, and a clothing exchange. The week will end on Friday with a Move Yourself Field Day to encourage people to get outside for a while and take a break from using electricity and vehicle fuel. See flyer for details.

Last year on Earth Day UR’s online Go Green Pledge was launched. If you have not taken it yet, it is a great way to show your commitment to living in ways that  reduce energy and use fewer natural resources.

Go Green!

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