Sustainable landscaping for your home

landscapeplanAs spring approaches we begin planning improvements for our lawns, gardens and landscaping.  Before we head to the garden store to purchase new trees and plants for our homes, think about what you can do to make your landscape a sustainable feature of your home. With proper plant selection you can easily reduce the energy consumption of your home.  Select plants and locate them so that they provide maximum shade during the summer, deflect winter winds and funnel breezes toward the house in the summer. Also, try to select plants that minimize the need for watering.

More information about sustainable landscaping can be found at the U. S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website.

One Reply to “Sustainable landscaping for your home”

  1. It’s really an important thing to plan well your garden and landscaping designs. Each and every area of it is important to achieve a good look. And I agree, best selection of plant can add value, mood and look to your garden.

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