Recycling Updates for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

As a fresh academic year begins at the University of Rochester, there are some new changes regarding recycling on campus. This past summer, some overall improvements were made as a… Recycling Updates for the 2015-2016 Academic Year

Sustainable updates on campus dining

From its ongoing program with the Food Recovery Network, to the expansion of its compost operations and a new process to recycle cooking oil, Campus Dining and Auxiliary Services is… Sustainable updates on campus dining

University Sustainability Updates

Although some waste management programs have been altered to prioritize the safety of everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still many opportunities to engage in sustainable practices. The University… University Sustainability Updates

University Scoring Big in Recycling Competitions

The GameDay Recycling Challenge is a nationwide competition among universities to reduce and recycle the waste generated at home football games. This season, the University of Rochester placed fourth in… University Scoring Big in Recycling Competitions