Can you avoid bleach?

Using non-bleached flower, raw (unbleached) sugar, and brown rice instead of the bleached will keep nutrients in your food that are stripped during the bleaching process. They taste very similar, require no alteration to most recipes, and are better for the environment. Generally speaking, the less processed something is, the less energy it took to make, so always try for the unbleached or unprocessed versions of your staple groceries.

One Reply to “Can you avoid bleach?”

  1. In the world today more and more people are into the phase of getting all those nutrients and those organics to keep them fit. With those organic things I think that it is a good choice but be sure of your sources if it is true that they are grown organically. I would prefer brown rice that did not pass through the process of milling. Rice is nutritious when its shell is peeled the old way. Pounding that big mortar and pestle thing.

    Jada from porte de placard coulissante 

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