Sustainability what’s hot and what’s not!


design with nature / attitude / continuity / uniqueness / integration / neighborhoods / transit / pedestrian / clustering / healthfulness / off / led / local / movement / free / organic / mainstream / compost / diversity / sharing / teaching / learning / innovation / adoption / moderation / harvest / ipm /cooperative / assistance / conservation / humanity


depleting / harmful / fuel / big / always / vampires / idling / on / excess / abundance / oil / incandescent / power / generation / waste / carbon / deforestation / pollution / emissions / war / loss / poverty / power / extinction / invasive / extensive / depletion / saturation / irresponsible / disposable / neglect / inhumanity

Feel free to add to the list…

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10 Replies to “Sustainability what’s hot and what’s not!”

  1. User-friendly above all. You need to do it for the people, not for the machines. You can keep that in mind while creating it. This is the new look – human friendly look. Nothing more, nothing less.

    There are 4-5 elements, that are best describe the NOT and that’s are:

    1. design with nature
    2. continuity
    3. humanity
    4. innovation
    5. teaching

    Everything else comes next, as well as you the structure goes like this – first the top and second the others.

    Great post, keep up the good job.

  2. Love it – design with nature! It is definately one of the most hot subjects. We used bamboo walls in one of our buildings on campus. It makes a fabulous impact and is in concert with “design with nature”.

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