Three Ways to Improve your Study Habits

As I’m writing this, it is my final round of finals. In order to make myself feel productive, I’ve decided to at least write about studying, even if I’m not actually doing it. Here are three simple ways to keep your studies from harming the environment more than they need to and to make your studies even more effective.

  1. Make your studies digital. While, admittedly, this isn’t always strictly more sustainable due to the environmental costs of interweb storage and communications (for deeper insight, check out this article), it appears that in many cases it is preferable to utilize this method instead of paper because it is likely that you will be using the internet regardless while you study. Switching from paper flashcards to sites like Quizlet can actually make your studying more effective and more sustainable. If you can access books and papers online instead of printing copies, then it appears to be environmentally responsible to do so.
  2. Study in the library or the lounge with a group of friends. This, too can help you to improve the effectiveness of your studying through peer effects. Get out of your bedroom and share spaces and ideas with people in order to cut down on individual energy use.
  3. Take breaks from your screen, and from the indoors if possible. Let your screens hibernate for a little while every hour or two and go for a brisk walk outside to regroup and enjoy some vitamin D or just fresh air.

Written by: Mariah Greico, class of 2018

Photo thanks to Pixabay