Is a benefit corporation sustainable?

This past week I attended the DEC’s Eighth Annual New York State Environmental Excellence Awards Ceremony, where the University of Rochester was recognized for its Go Green Conserve and Save program. During one… Is a benefit corporation sustainable?

A Brief History of the University of Rochester

The University of Rochester’s history is rich and long. This week I want to share a fabulous video. A condensed version of University of Rochester Vice President Paul Burgett’s lecture… A Brief History of the University of Rochester

Hugh E. Cumming Envronmental Quality Award presented to the University of Rochester

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 The Center for Environmental Initiatives (CEI) announced the University of Rochester won the 2011 Hugh E. Cumming Environmental Quality Award for making “a significant contribution to environmental… Hugh E. Cumming Envronmental Quality Award presented to the University of Rochester