New York Campus Crunch ReCap

As you may know, Univesity of Rochester Dining Services has been committed to the use of local food on its menus for quite some time. In fact, we were the first college to join the Pride of New York program. Since then, the use of local food has been increasing and currently, over 56% of all of the items we sell and serve on campus are grown, raised, or wholly manufactured within New York State.

As part of this bigger effort towards supporting local food, the University participated in the New York Campus Crunch for the first time. Celebrated in conjunction with Food Day, the Campus Crunch rallies support for local foods by getting college campuses to “take the crunch” into one of New York’s finest local products …. apples!

On October 22nd, Dining Services and Team Green at the University of Rochester partnered with Headwater Food Hub; upstate New York’s award winning Food Hub focused on local, organic, farm fresh foods.   Together, we handed out 475 Hyper Local Apples from Lagoner Farms to the students, faculty, staff and guests of the University of Rochester!

We’d like to share the following article which recaps the 2015 effort at large. Read the full story here!