Clay’s Corner

Judy ClayHappy March Madness! Go get’em Yellowjackets! The hoopsters are playing in the national semifinal tonight. A win propels them to the D-III women’s national championship game on Sunday. Quite an accomplishment in the ultra- competitive world of college basketball. Best of luck, gals.

For the rest of you who have suffered bracket busters way too early, it was of some comfort that it happened on two of the nicest days Rochester has seen in quite awhile. So with spring in the air I stopped by Wilson Commons on 3/18 and took part in the Green Tech fair organized by the great folks at Grassroots. Amy Kadrie, your humble Recycling Coordinator was working a table to solicit support for the University’s Go Green pledge. You do know what that is, don’t you? The pledge is open to University students, staff, faculty, healthcare providers and friends. It’s a simple way to make a statement and promise to do something for the planet. I know many of you already are committed to making this a better place; this just reinforces what you are doing and gives you the oppotunity to share your commitment. Here’s the link: It takes a few minutes. Go on and do it. You’ll be glad you did. When you’re done you’ll feel like you won the game on a buzzer beater.

It was great to see a lot of you yesterday. Your eyes were twinkling with spring fever. But since this is Rochester; don’t put away your boots yet. I think next week ol’ man winter is planning a visit.

One Reply to “Clay’s Corner”

  1. Kudos to you and Amy for getting out and promoting sustainability on Campus!!!

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