E-Recycling Event Report

Q:  What do 273 CRT monitors, 387 computers, 99 printers, and a whole bunch of miscellaneous electronics get you?
A:  A very successful electronics collection event! EWaste 002

This year’s annual Electronics Collection, which took place October 30, pulled in just over 26,000 lbs of electronics, more than doubling last year’s total.  The event took place in Park Lot where volunteers helped unload car after car of personal electronics from University of Rochester faculty, staff, and students.

Sunnking, an electronics recycling company based in Brockport, was on hand to take the various electronics away to their facility where computer hard drives were shredded to protect personal data, and any salvageable components were pulled out to be reused.  All other materials were recycled, and hazardous materials like lead and mercury were extracted and disposed of safely.

Based on the calculation that recycling 50 computers (monitor and CPU) has the environmental impact of taking one car off the road for a year, this year’s event had the impact of taking about five cars off the road!

Amy Kadrie, the University’s Recycling Coordinator, wants to thank all the student and staff volunteers that helped make this event so successful, as well as Sunnking for their partnership with the University.

If you missed this year’s event, just hang on to those old electronics one more year until next October, when you can have them safely recycled for free once again!