Winter Energy Prescriptions

As a new winter approaches, the University of Rochester remains committed to both fiscal and environmental responsibility.  Part of this commitment entails maintaining the temperature guidelines for University buildings announced this past January.  This winter, temperatures will again be set to the nationally recognized standard for heating, 68°F.  The only exceptions to this will be patient-care areas at the Medical Center, which will be set to 72°F in accordance with recommended hospital temperatures, and laboratories that need to be set at a specific temperature.  Facilities mechanics began the winter temperature adjustments at the beginning of this month and are scheduled to complete them by early December.

The University spends approximately $36 million per year on energy and, as the University continues to expand, this cost will continue to increase.  The temperature guidelines are an important part of helping to reduce our energy bill; in only two months last winter, February and March, the University saved over $250,000.

Setting temperatures is not the only way that the University has been able to reduce energy costs, however.  Facilities has also implemented various initiatives including the addition of motion sensors for lights in many areas, more efficient bulbs and ballasts, and better automated programs to control hot and cold air in buildings.  Additionally, Facilities has worked with departments and building supervisors to set air handling unit schedules that allow these units to be shut off when buildings and rooms are unoccupied. 

Equally important is what you can do to reduce your own energy consumption.  Your efforts are an essential part of this University-wide initiative to reduce wasteful spending and energy use.  Between your reductions in energy use and Facilities initiatives, the University saved $327,915 in the spring and summer, $101,530 at the Medical Center and $226,385 on the River Campus.  This brings our grand total for the year up to $585,824.

While these savings are significant, reducing wasteful energy use is a continuing endeavor.  We ask that you continue to do your part by implementing some of the ideas listed below:

  • Conserve heat by closing windows and doors. Pull blinds shut at night to prevent heat from seeping out of windows.
  • Switch off lights and office equipment when not in use. Remove electronic devices (e.g., cell phone and laptop chargers) from outlets — they draw “phantom” energy even when they’re not turned on or in use.
  • Don’t use personal heaters, which are energy hogs.  Instead, bring a sweater to keep in the office, and wear seasonally appropriate footwear.
  • Turn off your computer and printer at night. We estimate that shutting down for 14 hours every day can save about $9 a month, and if it is done consistently with even a fraction of our computers, we stand to save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. When you leave your workspace for breaks of 30 minutes or more, simply switch off your monitor.

The University employs over 19,000 people, so even though your personal effort may seem insignificant, it is part of a greater whole that can add up to major savings.

If your area was listed as an exception to the temperature guidelines last year, it will remain as one this year, though if circumstances have changed and you no longer need your area set at a higher temperature, we ask that you please notify Facilities at the e-mail address listed below.

If you have any questions or ideas for further energy reductions, please e-mail to have your question or suggestion forwarded to the appropriate department.

As a new winter approaches, the University of Rochester remains committed to both fiscal and environmental responsibility.  Part of this commitment entails maintaining the temperature guidelines for University buildings announced this past January.  This winter, temperatures will again be set to the nationally recognized standard for heating, 68°F.  The only exceptions to this will be patient-care areas at the Medical Center, which will be set to 72°F in accordance with recommended hospital temperatures, and laboratories that need to be set at a specific temperature.  Facilities mechanics began the winter temperature adjustments at the beginning of this month and are scheduled to complete them by early December.

The University spends approximately $36 million per year on energy and, as the University continues to expand, this cost will continue to increase.  The temperature guidelines are an important part of helping to reduce our energy bill; in only two months last winter, February and March, the University saved over $250,000.

Setting temperatures is not the only way that the University has been able to reduce energy costs, however.  Facilities has also implemented various initiatives including the addition of motion sensors for lights in many areas, more efficient bulbs and ballasts, and better automated programs to control hot and cold air in buildings.  Additionally, Facilities has worked with departments and building supervisors to set air handling unit schedules that allow these units to be shut off when buildings and rooms are unoccupied. 

Equally important is what you can do to reduce your own energy consumption.  Your efforts are an essential part of this University-wide initiative to reduce wasteful spending and energy use.  Between your reductions in energy use and Facilities initiatives, the University saved $327,915 in the spring and summer, $101,530 at the Medical Center and $226,385 on the River Campus.  This brings our grand total for the year up to $585,824.

While these savings are significant, reducing wasteful energy use is a continuing endeavor.  We ask that you continue to do your part by implementing some of the ideas listed below:

  • Conserve heat by closing windows and doors. Pull blinds shut at night to prevent heat from seeping out of windows.
  • Switch off lights and office equipment when not in use. Remove electronic devices (e.g., cell phone and laptop chargers) from outlets — they draw “phantom” energy even when they’re not turned on or in use.
  • Don’t use personal heaters, which are energy hogs.  Instead, bring a sweater to keep in the office, and wear seasonally appropriate footwear.
  • Turn off your computer and printer at night. We estimate that shutting down for 14 hours every day can save about $9 a month, and if it is done consistently with even a fraction of our computers, we stand to save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. When you leave your workspace for breaks of 30 minutes or more, simply switch off your monitor.

The University employs over 19,000 people, so even though your personal effort may seem insignificant, it is part of a greater whole that can add up to major savings.

If your area was listed as an exception to the temperature guidelines last year, it will remain as one this year, though if circumstances have changed and you no longer need your area set at a higher temperature, we ask that you please notify Facilities at the e-mail address listed below.

If you have any questions or ideas for further energy reductions, please e-mail to have your question or suggestion forwarded to the appropriate department.