“How Low Can We Go” Initiative

Friends, schools, businesses, and towns, globally, are taking fossil fuel use as low as we can go on November 30, 2015, to show support for the United Nations Climate Change Conference convening in Paris, France, where representatives from 195 nations will meet in hopes of reaching a historic agreement for action on climate change.    How Low Can We Go is a collective action that anyone can take, from anywhere, to send the message that we are ready and willing to reduce our carbon emissions. Unplug, park it, turn it off … or switch to 100% renewable clean energy for November 30!

Here’s the short video: https://youtu.be/u6v6ndMc0i4

And Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1647937208797640/


How Low Can We Go started with one ordinary family in a small town. Any group, person, school, business, or city is invited to take this on, make it their own, and make their own version of the message to share!


Contact:  ingridpalmquist@gmail.com.