Great to be Alive

Well, here we are about to begin a brand new year. The world as we know it did not come to an end as predicted by some interpreters of the Mayan calendar. We continue on to enjoy the holiday season and then it’s back to living our daily lives. It’s all courtesy of planet Earth and we are all here for a limited time only. Life isn’t always perfect and times might sometimes be hard.

Still, isn’t it great to be alive? Let’s remember that. Let’s be grateful. Let’s not take any of it for granted. Let’s try to pass the good life on for our children to enjoy.

But as we turn the corner into a new year, let us reflect. Remember all the three pillars of sustainability: economy, environment, and society. Are we doing what is needed to sustain all three of these areas?

I found this picture on Facebook. It made me sad but its truth rang loud and clear. Let’s do better people. We are all in this together. Problems are big indeed and may seem overwhelming at times, but let’s start with the things we are able to control and take action. Let’s stop pointing fingers at our neighbors and criticizing the ones who do take action. After all, it’s really not all bad out there. We are going to make mistakes along the way but is inaction a better option? If we all do something small, collectively there can be a real impact. If we can’t do anything else, the very least we can do is be kind to one another. Believe it or not, kindness is a powerful thing and acts of kindness actually do make a difference in people’s lives. The same is true for our negative actions. What impact will your choices make in 2013? Do you want to leave a  positive mark or a negative one?

I hope you take some time to ponder upon all this.

Now, here’s something fun to leave you with. It may be cheesy, but it’s one group’s effort to promote a single stream recycling system and positively motivate others in a fun way. You might just find yourself laughing, or even singing along by the end of it!

Happy 2013 everyone.

From the opinions and observations of Amy Kadrie, Recycling Coordinator (Not based on any research studies)

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