Clay’s Corner

Yikes! Thanksgiving!!!! Already!!!

The mad rush to the end of the year has started. Hustling and bustling, running at warp speed to “get things done”, spending quality time with family and friends, cooking, traveling, shopping, parties, it’s enough to make your head spin. Well, stop and smell the pumpkin pie. Take a deep breath, and set aside some time to help ol’ mama earth.

November sees the end of autumn and the begining of winter. Cool days give way to chilly evenings; the frost on the grass turns into ice on the windshield; time to find the blankets, gloves, scarves, and shovels. When you are scampering around preparing for the bone-chilling cold, don’t forget to take care of your home. You can do your part to reduce our CO2 levels by insultating your home, sealing those drafty areas around doors and windows, having your furnace inspected and serviced, cleaning/replacing filters, turning down that thermostat. Every small action adds up. Don’t forget your vehicle, too. Keeping your car in top running shape saves on fuel and can put a few extra dollars in your wallet. Don’t get in the habit of letting your vehicle idle too long. It’s okay to scrape the ice and snow; the heater doesn’t have to do it all. Every little bit helps.

Enjoy the upcoming  holiday season. If you are traveling on the road for Turkey Day, stay safe and drive defensively. If you are flying ,be patient with others. Relax. Smile. These are the good times.