Seminars & Workshop on High Performance Computing – update

Update from Brendan Mort:

Dr. Carlos Sosa will be visiting the University of Rochester from IBM on November 19th to give a general HPC talk, a Blue Gene presentation, and a Blue Gene workshop. The HPC talk will take place in the Gowen Room in Wilson Commons from 10-11 a.m., and the Blue Gene presentation will be in Goergen 108 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The workshop will be held from 1-3 p.m.

The Blue Gene workshop will demonstrate how to build and run software on the Blue Gene architecture using the DOCK6 molecular docking application as an example. Attendees of the workshop should be comfortable with a command line interface and have some experience developing or building Linux applications (e.g. working with compilers, Makefiles, etc.).

Because there is limited space available in the computer lab, please let us know by Wednesday, November 17th, if you are interested in attending the workshop. There is no need to RSVP for the two presentations.

Contact Brendan at to sign up for the workshop.

EEB Readings, Nov. 15-19

Image of Anopheles albimanus from wiki commons .

Monday: Speciation reading group. 2PM in Hutch 341. Ch. 11 on Selection v. Drift from Coyne and Orr.

Tuesday: EEB Journal Club. 12:30 in the Bryant Room. Two recent papers on the genome of Anopheles [1 & 2]

Wednesday: Island biogeography discussion group. Noon in Hutch 341. Losos and Parents chapter on the species-area relationship from The Theory of Island Biogeographic Revisited. Contact the Glor Lab if you want to get in on lunch.

Wednesday: Pfeil E.K., Casacchia N., Kerns G.J., and Diggins T.P. 2007. Distribution, composition, and orientation of down deadwood in riparian old-growth woodlands of Zoar Valley Canyon, western New York State, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 239:159-168. [[doi link]]

Friday: Elements of Evolutionary Genetics reading group. 10AM in the graduate student lounge. Second half of chapter 3 from Charlesworth & Charlesworth.

EEB Seminar, Nov. 12: Dan McNabney on the Genetics of Behavioral Isolation in Drosophila

The dissected inseminated reproductive tract of a female fruitfly.

For this Friday’s EEB seminar, Dan McNabney from the Orr lab will be presenting his research on the “Genetics of behavioral isolation in Drosophila.” TGIF follows Dan’s presentation at 4PM in the graduate student lounge, and will feature announcement of the winner of this year’s departmental graduate student teaching award.

Reinforcement Discussion Today at 2PM

Gastrophryne olivacea (image from and G. carolinensis (image from were the subjects of Blair’s classic work on reinforcement in frog mating calls.

Just a reminder that the speciation reading group will be meeting today to discuss Ch. 10 from Coyne and Orr on Reinforcement.

Coffee Break

Once again we’ll convene today (Monday) at 3:30 in the Graduate Student lounge for coffee and conversation. All are welcome.  Garrigan and Glor labs will ply the drinks and treats, just bring a mug.