Kristina Wilson
Department of Chemistry
One Pulse, Two pulse, Red Pulse, Blue Pulse, and Sometimes A Big Green One
Tuesday, August 17
12:00-12:30 PM
Goergen 101
In the McCamant Lab, we probe the physical and electronic rearrangements of molecules in real time. More specifically, we elucidate mechanisms of vibrational anharmonicity, charge separation, excited state nuclear dynamics and the behavior of DNA model systems after absorbing UV light. While all of our work falls within the ultrafast time regime, to probe this wide variety of phenomena, we use the 100 fs, 800 nm, 1kHz output of standard a ti:sapph regenerative amplifier to generate pulses with durations varying between 20 fs and 3 ps, wavelengths of 266 nm to 800 nm, and bandwidths of under a wavenumber (cm-1) to 1200 wavenumbers. These diverse optical needs necessitate the implementation of a wide variety of ultrafast and non-linear optics. This talk will explain a bit about all of the experiments our lab is currently undertaking and describe the optics that each one necessitates.
Bring your lunch at the talk; we will offer the dessert!