EEB Seminar, Friday, September 13: “Sex, flies and video tape: The genetics of female mate choice and species isolation in Drosophila”

MoehringDr. Fry is hosting Dr. Amanda Moehring, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology at the University of Western Ontario.  She is presenting a talk titled, ” Sex, flies and video tape:  The genetics of female mate choice and species isolation in Drosophila,” on Friday, September 13.  Dr. Moehring studies the genetics of complex traits. Primarily, her research focuses on the genetic basis of variation in behavior and the genetics of species isolation. She uses the model system of Drosophila due to the extensive genetic and molecular tools this species offers, as well as the availability of species that can be hybridized in the laboratory.  A mixture of quantitative genetics, molecular genetics, behavioral assays and genomics is used in order to understand these complex traits. For more information on Dr. Moehring’s research, please visit her website!