Leonie Moyle Visit

Leonie Moyle from Indiana University is here tomorrow to give a seminar on “The Genetics of isolation and adaptation in the wild tomatoes.”  Leonie’s talk will be at 3PM in Hutch 316.

Turelli in Town

Photo credits: Left photo by Tom Lee from http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2011/01/05/143001_local-news.html; right from Wikimedia commons by Muhammad Mahdi Karim.

Michael Turelli from UC Davis is in town today and tomorrow.  He’s giving a talk this afternoon (Thursday) at 3:30PM in Hutch 473 on “Cytoplasmic incompatibility and the rapid spread and evolution of Wolbachia infections: an update on data, theory and an ongoing attempt to control dengue fever.”

UPDATE: The seminar was originally (and mistakenly) listed as taking place 3, 3:30 is the correct time.

New Building on Campus

Campus is going to look a bit different in the near future.  The Warner School of Education is getting a new building.  The new three-story brick structure will be located between Wilson Commons and Todd Union.  Raymond F. LeChase Hall is expected to open in January 2013.

Trudy Mackay Seminar on Monday

Trudy Mackay of North Carolina State University is in town next Monday to talk about “Systems Genetics of Complex Traits in Drosophila.”  The seminar is at noon in Hutch 473.  The Mackay Lab has a great web page, check it out for more details on their research.

Kingan Seminar Postponed

Sarah Kingan’s seminar on “Divergence population genomics of the Drosophila simulans clade” has been postponed due to Spring break.  Sarah is working to re-schedule this seminar now, hopefully for date later this semester.

EEB Seminars: Julienne Ng and LeAnne Lovato

Julienne Ng and LeAnne Lovato will be presenting an EEB seminars tomorrow (Friday, March 4) at 3:00 pm in Hutchison 316 entitled: “Signals and speciation in Anolis distichus” -and- “Breeding system and DNA polymorphism in Caenorhabditis elegans

Darwin Party on Friday

Join us to celebrate Charles Darwin’s recent birthday!  The party will be this Friday at 56 Bond St.  We’ll kick things off at around 8PM.  I’ll have beer and some snacks available, but additional contributions of food and beverage are also welcomed.  We’re going to do a poetry slam, so bring your latest work inspired by Darwin.  See you Friday!