EEB Seminar, Friday, December 7: “Genetics and Evolution of Interspecific Assortative Fertilization in Drosophila”

Yasir Ahmed, a graduate student of the University of Rochester and member of the Orr Lab, is presenting the last EEB seminar for the semester entitled, “Genetics and Evolution of Interspecific Assortative Fertilization in Drosophila,” on Friday, December 7.  Yasir received his B.S. and M.S. in Biology from the University of Iowa studying the evolution of reproductive incompatibilities in the virilis group of Drosophila in Bryant McAllister’s lab.

EEB Seminar, Friday, November 30: “An investigation of recent adaptive introgression in Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia”

Cara Brand, a graduate student of the University of Rochester and member of the Presgraves Lab, is presenting a talk titled, “An investigation of recent adaptive introgression in Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia,” on Friday, November 30.  Cara received her B.S. in Biology from the University of Maryland, College Park.  She then spent a year as research technician in Jerry Wilkinson’s lab, working on hybrid male sterility and meiotic drive in stalk-eyed flies.  She is now studying the population genetics of interspecific introgression between Drosophila simulans clade species, and the evolution and genetics segregation distortion.

Journal Club 11/20: Genetics of Speciation IV

Next week, we will continue our discussion in genetics of speciation using genomic methods. The three papers we are going to discuss are listed as follows:

Turner, T.L., Hahn, M.W. & Nuzhdin, S.V. 2005. Genomic Islands of Speciation in Anopheles gambiae. PLoS Biol 3, e285. [doi link]

Payseur, B. 2010. The state of the field: Using differential introgression in hybrid zones to identify genomic regions involved in speciation. Molecular Ecology Resources. [doi link]

Geraldes, A., P. Basset, K. L. Smith, and M. W. Nachman. 2011. Higher differentiation among subspecies of the house mouse (Mus musculus) in genomic regions with low recombination. Molecular Ecology 20:4722–4736. [doi link]

Journal Club 11/13: Genetics of Speciation III

Next week, we will continue with the genetics of speciation, focusing on the role of chromosome rearrangements. The three papers we are going to discuss are listed below:

  • Baker and Bickham. 1986. Speciation by monobrachial centric fusions. PNAS 83: 8245-8248. [journal link]
  • Noor et al. 2001. Chromosomal inversions and the reproductive isolation of species. PNAS 98: 12084-12088. [journal link]
  • McGaugh and Noor. 2012. Genomic impact of inversions in parapatric Drosophila species. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 367: 422-429. [doi link]

EEB Seminar, Friday, November 9: “The Evolution of Sexual Isolation in Drosophila: Why sympatry breeds contempt and who is to blame?”

Dr. Roman Yukilevich, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Union College is presenting a talk titled, “The Evolution of Sexual Isolation in Drosophila: Why sympatry breeds contempt and who is to blame?” on Friday, November 9.  This is what Dr. Yukilevich says about his research interests:  “I am an evolutionary biologist interested in studying how reproductive isolation (speciation) evolves in nature.  To achieve this goal I study natural populations of Drosophila that have recently undergone divergence and  model the process of speciation on a computer to make further predictions about how species diverge in nature.”

Journal Club 10/30: Genetics of Speciation I

We will now shift the focus of Journal Club to the genetic mechanisms of speciation.  We will read Coyne & Orr 1989 about the patterns of speciation in Drosophila and Allen’s 1995 paper about the evolution of hybrid incompatibilities.

-Coyne, J.A and H.A. Orr. 1989. Patterns of speciation in Drosophila. Evolution 43:2

-Orr, H.A. 1995. The population genetics of speciation: The evolution of hybrid incompatibles. Genetics 139:4