Journal Club, Sept. 25th: Hybridization

This week we are having our first discussion about speciation with gene flow. Our topic this week is hybridization.  Readings are below and after the fold.

Required readings for Week 4:
Blair, W. F. 1951. Interbreeding of natural populations of vertebrates. The American Naturalist 85:9–30. [jstor link]

Stebbins, G. L. 1959. The role of hybridization in evolution. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 103:231–251. [jstor link]

Harrison, R. G. 1986. Pattern and process in a narrow hybrid zone. Heredity 56:337–349. [doi link]

Rieseberg, L. H., C. Van Fossen, and A. M. Desrochers. 1995. Hybrid speciation accompanied by genomic reorganization in wild sunflowers. Nature 375:313–316. [doi link]

Background reading and reviews:
Arnold, M. L. 1992. Natural hybridization as an evolutionary process. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 23:237–261.

Burke, J. M., and M. L. Arnold. 2001. Genetics and fitness of hybrids. Annual Review of Genetics 35:31–52.

Dowling, T. E., and C. L. Secor. 1997. The role of hybridization and introgression in the diversification of animals. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28:593–619.

Rieseberg, L. H. 1997. Hybrid origins of plant species. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28:359–389.

Rieseberg, L. H. 2001. Chromosomal rearrangements and speciation. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 16:351–358.

Soltis, P. S., and D. E. Soltis. 2009. The role of hybridization in plant speciation. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 60:561–588.

Additional readings:
Alexander, R. D. 1961. Aggressiveness, territoriality, and sexual behavior in field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Behaviour 17:130–223.

Alexander, R. D. 1962. The role of behavioral study in cricket classification. Systematic Zoology 11:53–72.

Amadon, D. 1949. Comments on recent literature: subspeciation in song sparrows. The Wilson Bulletin 61:52–54.

Amadon, D. 1950. The species: then and now. The Auk 67:492–498.

Anderson, E., and J. G L Stebbins. 1954. Hybridization as an evolutionary stimulus. Evolution 8:378–388.

Anderson, E., and L. Hubricht. 1938. Hybridization in Tradescantia. III. The evidence for introgressive hybridization. American Journal of Botany 25:396–402.

Barton, N. 1993. Why species and subspecies? Current Biology 3:797–799.

Barton, N. 1996. Speciation: More than the sum of the parts. Current Biology 6:1244–1246.

Barton, N. H. 1986. The effects of linkage and density-dependent regulation on gene flow. Heredity 57:415–426.

Barton, N. H. 2008. The role of hybridization in evolution. Molecular Ecology 10:551–568.

Barton, N. H., R. B. Halliday, and G. M. Hewitt. 1983. Rare electrophoretic variants in a hybrid zone. Heredity 50:139–146.

Barton, N., and B. O. Bengtsson. 1986. The barrier to genetic exchange between hybridising populations. Heredity 57:357–376.

Bert, T. M., and R. G. Harrison. 1988. Hybridization in western Atlantic stone crabs (Genus Menippe): evolutionary history and ecological context influence species interactions. Evolution 42:528–544.

Blair, W. F. 1951. Interbreeding of natural populations of vertebrates. The American Naturalist 85:9–30.

Boivin, B. 1962. Persoon and the subspecies. Brittonia 14:327–331.

Boudreaux, H. B. 1962. Reproductive data in classification. Systematic Zoology 11:145–150.

Broughton, R. E., and R. G. Harrison. 2003. Nuclear gene genealogies reveal historical, demographic and selective factors associated with speciation in field crickets. Genetics 163:1389–1401.

Charles B Heiser, J. 1949. Natural hybridization with particular reference to introgression. Botanical Review 15:645–687.

Charles B Heiser, J. 1951. Hybridization in the annual sunflowers: Helianthus annuus × H. debilis var. cucumerifolius. Evolution 5:42–51.

Coyne, J. A., N. H. Barton, and M. Turelli. 2000. Is Wright’s shifting balance process important in evolution? Evolution 54:306–317.

Dobzhansky, T. 1948. Review: Darwin’s Finches and Evolution. Ecology 29:219–220.

Dowling, T. E., and C. L. Secor. 1997. The role of hybridization and introgression in the diversification of animals. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28:593–619.

Fulton, B. B. 1952. Speciation in the field cricket. Evolution 6:283–295.

G Ledyard Stebbins, J. 1947. Evidence on rates of evolution from the distribution of existing and fossil plant species. Ecol Monogr 17:149–158.

Grant, P. R., and B. R. Grant. 1992. Hybridization of bird species. Science 256:193–197.

Grant, P. R., and B. R. Grant. 1997. Genetics and the origin of bird species. … of the National Academy of Sciences.

Grant, V. 1953. The role of hybridization in the evolution of the leafty-stemmed gilias. Evolution 7:51–64.

Hairston, N. G. 1950. Intergradation in appalachian salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Copeia 1950:262–273.

Harrison, R. G. 1983. Barriers to gene exchange between closely related cricket Species. I. laboratory hybridization studies. Evolution 37:245–251.

Harrison, R. G. 1986. Pattern and process in a narrow hybrid zone. Heredity 56:337–349.

Harrison, R. G., and J. Arnold. 1982. A narrow hybrid zone between closely related cricket species. Ecography 36:535.

Harrison, R. G., and S. M. Bogdanowicz. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of North American field crickets: perspectives on the evolution of life cycles, songs, and habitat associations. Nature 8:209–232.

Harrison, R. G., and S. M. Bogdanowicz. 1997. Patterns of variation and linkage disequilibrium in a field cricket hybrid zone. Ecology and Evolution 51:493–505.

Hatfield, T., and D. Schluter. 1999. Ecological speciation in sticklebacks: Environment-dependent hybrid fitness. Evolution 53:866–873.

Hatfield, T., N. Barton, and J. B. Searle. 1992. A model of a hybrid zone between two chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus). Evolution 46:1129.

Hubbs, C. L. 1940. Speciation of fishes. The American Naturalist 74:198–211.

Hubbs, C. L. 1955. Hybridization between fish species in nature. Systematic Zoology 4:1–20.

Hubbs, C., and C. M. Laritz. 1961. Occurrence of a natural intergeneric Etheostomatine Fish Hybrid. Copeia 1961:231–232.

Huxley, J. S. 1939. Ecology and taxonomic differentiation. Journal of Ecology 27:408–420.

Jiggins, C. D., and J. Mallet. 2000. Bimodal hybrid zones and speciation. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 15:250–255.

Jiggins, C., R. Naisbit, R. Coe, and J. Mallet. 2001. Reproductive isolation caused by colour pattern mimicry. Nature 411:302–305.

Kessler, S. 1962. Courtship rituals and reproductive isolation between the races or incipient species of Drosophila paulistorum. The American Naturalist 96:117–121.

Kirkpatrick, M. 2006. Chromosome inversions, local adaptation and speciation. Genetics 173:419–434.

Knobloch, I. W. 1959. A preliminary estimate of the importance of hybridization in speciation. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 86:296–299.

Kohn, A. J., and G. H. Orians. 1962. Ecological data in the classification of closely related species. Systematic Zoology 11:119–127.

Konstantinidis, K. T., and J. M. Tiedje. 2005. Genomic insights that advance the species definition for prokaryotes. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 102:2567–2572.

Kruuk, L. E. B., J. S. Gilchrist, and N. H. Barton. 1999. Hybrid dysfunction in Fire-bellied Toads (Bombina). Evolution 53:1611–1616.

MacCallum, C. J., B. Nurnberger, N. H. Barton, and J. M. Szymura. 1998. Habitat preference in the Bombina hybrid zone in Croatia. Evolution 52:227–239.

MacCallum, C. J., B. Nürnberger, and N. H. Barton. 1995. Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 260:257–264.

Mallet, J. 2005. Hybridization as an invasion of the genome. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 20:229–237.

Mallet, J. 2007. Hybrid speciation. Nature 446:279–283.

Mallet, J. 2008. Hybridization, ecological races and the nature of species: empirical evidence for the ease of speciation. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 363:2971–2986.

Mallet, J., and N. Barton. 1989. Inference from clines stabilized by frequency-dependent selection. Genetics 122:967–976.

Maroja, L. S., J. A. Andres, and R. G. Harrison. 2009. Genealogical discordance and patterns of introgression and selection across a cricket hybrid zone. Nature 63:2999–3015.

Mavárez, J., C. A. Salazar, E. Bermingham, C. Salcedo, C. D. Jiggins, and M. Linares. 2006. Speciation by hybridization in Heliconius butterflies. Nature 441:868–871.

Mayr, E. 1959. Isolation as an evolutionary factor. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 103:221–230.

Mecham, J. S. 1960. Introgressive hybridization between two southeastern treefrogs. Evolution 14:445–457.

Miller, A. H. 1943. Review: Mayr’s ‘Systematics and the Origin of Species’. The Auk 60:289–291.

Miller, A. H. 1949. Some concepts of hybridization and intergradation in wild populations of birds. The Auk 66:338–342.

Miller, A. H. 1956. Ecologic factors that accelerate formation of races and species of terrestrial vertebrates. Evolution 10:262–277.

Mullen, S. P., E. B. Dopman, and R. G. Harrison. 2008. Hybrid zone origins, species boundaries, and the evolution of wing-pattern diversity in a polytypic species complex of North American admiral butterflies (Nymphalidae: Limenitis). Nature 62:1400–1417.

Nurnberger, B., N. Barton, C. MacCallum, J. Gilchrist, and M. Appleby. 1995. Natural selection on quantitative traits in the Bombina hybrid zone. Evolution 49:1224–1238.

Nürnberger, B., S. Hofman, B. Forg-Brey, G. Praetzel, A. Maclean, J. M. Szymura, C. M. Abbott, and N. H. Barton. 2003. A linkage map for the hybridising toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae). Nature 91:136–142.

Parkes, K. C. 1955. Sympatry, allopatry, and the subspecies in birds. Systematic Zoology 4:35–40.

Payseur, B. A., J. G. Krenz, and M. W. Nachman. 2004. Differential patterns of introgression across the X chromosome in a hybrid zone between two species of house mice. Evolution 58:2064–2078.

Polechova, J., and N. Barton. 2011. Genetic drift widens the expected cline but narrows the expected cline width. Genetics 189:227–235.

Presgraves, D. 2002. Patterns of postzygotic isolation in Lepidoptera. Evolution 56:1168–1183.

Ramsey, J., and D. W. Schemske. 1998. Pathways, mechanisms, and rates of polyploid formation in flowering plants. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29:467–501.

Ramsey, J., H. Bradshaw, and D. Schemske. 2003. Components of reproductive isolation between the monkeyflowers Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis (Phrymaceae). Evolution 57:1520–1534.

Rand, D. M., and R. G. Harrison. 1989. Ecological genetics of a mosaic hybrid zone: mitochondrial, nuclear, and reproductive differentiation of crickets by soil type. Evolution 43:432–449.

Rieseberg, L. H. 1997. Hybrid origins of plant species. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28:359–389.

Rieseberg, L. H. 2001. Chromosomal rearrangements and speciation. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 16:351–358.

Rieseberg, L. H., C. Van Fossen, and A. M. Desrochers. 1995. Hybrid speciation accompanied by genomic reorganization in wild sunflowers. Nature 375:313–316.

Rieseberg, L. H., M. A. Archer, and R. K. Wayne. 1999. Transgressive segregation, adaptation and speciation. Heredity 83:363–372.

Rieseberg, L. H., O. Raymond, D. M. Rosenthal, Z. Lai, K. Livingstone, T. Nakazato, J. L. Durphy, A. E. Schwarzbach, L. A. Donovan, and C. Lexer. 2003. Major ecological transitions in wild sunflowers facilitated by hybridization. Science 301:1211–1216.

Ritchie, M., and N. Barton. 1998. Hybrids and hybrid zones: Reply from M.G. Ritchie and N.H. Barton. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 13:282–283.

Rosas, U., N. H. Barton, L. Copsey, P. Barbier de Reuille, and E. Coen. 2010. Cryptic variation between species and the basis of hybrid performance. PLoS Biology 8:e1000429.

Ross, C. L., and R. G. Harrison. 2002. A fine-scale analysis of the mosaic hybrid zone between Gryllus firmus and Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Evolution 56:2296–2312.

Salzburger, W., S. Baric, and C. Sturmbauer. 2002. Speciation via introgressive hybridization in East African cichlids? Molecular Ecology 11:619–625.

Sanders, O. 1961. Indications for the hybrid origin of Bufo terrestris Bonnaterre. Herpetologica 17:145–156.

Sanderson, N., J. M. Szymura, and N. H. Barton. 1992. Variation in mating call across the hybrid zone between the Fire-Bellied Toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata. Evolution 46:595–607.

Sang, T., and Y. Zhong. 2000. Testing hybridization hypotheses based on incongruent gene trees. Systematic Biology 49:422–434.

Seehausen, O. 2004. Hybridization and adaptive radiation. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 19:198–207.

Seehausen, O., G. Takimoto, D. Roy, and J. Jokela. 2008. Speciation reversal and biodiversity dynamics with hybridization in changing environments. Pages 30–44 in.

Sibley, C. G., and F. C. Sibley. 1964. Hybridization in the Red-eyed Towhees of Mexico. The Auk 81:479–504.

Simpson, G. G. 1951. The species concept. Evolution 5:285–298.

Sites, J. W. J., N. H. Barton, and K. M. Reed. 1995. The genetic structure of a hybrid zone between two chromosome races of the Sceloporus grammicus complex (Sauria, Phrynosomatidae) in Central Mexico. Evolution 49:9–36.

Smith, H. M. 1942. Another case of species versus subspecies. American Midland Naturalist 28:201–203.

Spencer, W. P. 1940. Subspecies, hybrids and speciation in Drosophila hydei and Drosophila virilis. The American Naturalist 74:157–179.

Stebbins, G. L. 1959. The role of hybridization in evolution. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 103:231–251.

Stejneger, L. 1906. Isolation versus natural selection. The Auk 23:265–270.

Templeton, A. R. 2001. Using phylogeographic analyses of gene trees to test species status and processes. Pages 779–791 in.

Vines, T. H., S. C. Köhler, M. Thiel, I. Ghira, T. R. Sands, C. J. MacCallum, N. H. Barton, and B. Nürnberger. 2003. The maintenance of reproductive isolation in a mosaic hybrid zone between the fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata. Evolution 57:1876–1888.

Volpe, E. P. 1960. Evolutionary consequences of hybrid sterility and vigor in toads. Evolution 14:181–193.

Wendel, J. F., A. Schnabel, and T. Seelanan. 1995. Bidirectional Interlocus Concerted Evolution Following Allopolyploid Speciation in Cotton (Gossypium). Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 92:280–284.

West, D. A. 1962. Hybridization in Grosbeaks (Pheucticus) of the Great Plains. The Auk 79:399–424.

Yanchukov, A., S. Hofman, J. M. Szymura, S. V. Mezhzherin, S. Y. Morozov-Leonov, N. H. Barton, and B. Nurnberger. 2006. Hybridization of Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura, Discoglossidae) at a sharp ecotone in western Ukraine: comparisons across transects and over time. Evolution 60:583–600.

Zink, R. M. 1994. The geography of mitochondrial DNA variation, population-structure, hybridization, and species limits in the Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca). Evolution 48:96–111.