Plant Ecology and Evolution Reading Group

Thursday 4pm, Hutch 316

This week, we will be reading papers with applied topics related to the University of Rochester Organic Garden…Composting!

The UR Organic Garden is a project started by Annalise Kjolhede and Caitlin Smigelski in collaboration with the Ramsey Lab as part of a fifth year Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year scholarship. Fall Buzz, the U of R’s back-to-school guide, wrote a nice story on their work last year.

Adhikari, B.K., Tremier, A., Martinez, J., and S. Barrington. 2010. Home and community composition for on-site treatment of urban organic waste: perspective for Europe and Canada. Waste Management & Research 28:1039-1053. [doi link]

Schwarz, M, et al. 2010. Effectiveness of composting road-killed deer in New York state. Composting Science & Utilization 18:232-243. [doi link]

One thought on “Plant Ecology and Evolution Reading Group

  1. Did you guys compost that deer that tried to jump the Ramsey experimental garden’s fence?

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