Category Archives: Journal Club
Journal Club 2/17: Continuous traits: heritability in humans
UPDATE! Journal Club 2/10: Mutational contribution to quantitative variation
Due to the snow last week, journal club was canceled and the papers were pushed to this week!
Clayton, G. and A. Robertson. 1955. Mutation and quantitative variation. American Naturalist 89:151-158.
Houle, D., B. Morikawa, and M. Lynch. 1996. Comparing mutational variabilities. Genetics 143:1467-1483.
Journal club Tuesday 11/4 at 12:30pm
Come join us for journal club next Tuesday at 12:30pm in HH316. We will discuss the following papers on neural evolution:
Somel et al., 2013 Human brain evolution: transcripts, metabolites and their regulators. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14, 112-127.
Moroz et al., 2014 The ctenophore genome and the evolutionary origins of neural systems. Nature 510, 109–114.
Journal Club 12/10
Next week at journal club we will be discussing these two papers on evolvability.
Pigliucci, M (2008) Is evolvability evolvable? Nature Reviews Genetics 9, 75-82
Journal Club 11/19
Next week, with the help of Dr. Ghaemmaghami, we will be discussing prion evolution
Tyedmers, Jens, Maria Lucia Madariaga, and Susan Lindquist. “Prion switching in response to environmental stress.” PLoS biology 6.11 (2008): e294.
Halfmann, Randal, et al. “Prions are a common mechanism for phenotypic inheritance in wild yeasts.” Nature 482.7385 (2012): 363-368.
Journal Club 10/5
Next week we’ll be reading the following papers about phenotypic plasticity and ecological interactions:
P.G. Kraft, C.E. Franklin, M.W. Blows(2006) Predator induced phenotypic plasticity in tadpoles: extension or innovation? J Exp Biol 19:450–458
Journal Club
Next week will be reading the following papers for Journal Club
The loci of evolution: how predictatble is genetic evolution
Population genetics, pleiotropy, and the preferential fixation of mutations during adaptive evolution
Journal Club Oct. 22
Next week we will be discussing epigenetics and phenotypic plasticity.
See you then!
Kucharski R., Maleszka J., Foret S. & Maleszka R. 2008. Nutritional control of reproductive status in honeybees via DNA methylation. Science 319: 1827-1830.
Richards C.L., Bossdorf O. & Pigliucci M. 2010. What Role Does Heritable Epigenetic Variation Play in Phenotypic Evolution? BioScience 60: 232-237.
Journal Club October 15th
Next week in Journal Club we will discuss molecular mechanisms underlying plasticity. See everyone there!
Anstey M.L., Rogers S.M., Ott S.R., Burrows M. & Simpson S.J. 2009. Serotonin mediates
behavioral gregarization underlying swarm formation in desert locusts. Science 323:
Kijimoto T., Moczek A.P. & Andrews J. 2012. Diversification of doublesex function underlies
morph-, sex-, and species-specific development of beetle horns. PNAS. 109: 20526-