UR Department of Biology retreat

The Department of Biology retreat held this week at Long Acre Farm was a huge success! Thanks to all those involved in organizing the event. We kicked off the day by hearing excellent talks from our alumni guest speakers, Dr. Harmit Malik (Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center) and Dr. Yali Dou (University of Michigan).  After talks, we carved pumpkins, competed in games, tasted wines, had a great poster session and dinner. We closed the evening with a hilarious music video created by our 2nd year graduate students and prize announcements. photo

Congratulations to the winners:

Teaching award winners- Matthew Johnson and Jeffrey Vedanayagam

Poster award winners- Sophea Chhim and Aisha Siebert


EEB Seminar, Friday, October 3: “Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics”

Dr. Robert (Bort) Edwards, postdoctoral associate at the University of Rochester, is presenting a talk titled “Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics”. Bort did his doctoral work at the University of Queensland studying Australian monsoon biogeography and the systematics of broad leaved paperback trees. He is currently a postdoctoral associate with Dr. Daven Presgraves studying hybrid incompatibilities on the X chromosomes of Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila simulans.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA