New Faculty Position

We’re delighted to announce plans to add a new faculty member to our EEB group.  The advertisement for this job is up at Science and applications are being accepted through our remarkably easy to use on-line system.  As the advertisement notes, we’re interested in all areas of evolutionary biology and ecology, but particularly encourage applicants interested in evolutionary or ecological genomics, computational biology, and evolutionary developmental genetics.  We have an outstanding group, great facilities and administrative support, and excellent students.  Learn more about our current research interests and labs through this web page.  Get your applications in before December 1st!

Monday Seminar on Zebrafish Development

Florence Marlow is here today to talk on “Maternal control of oocyte polarity – setting aside the germline and the embryonic axes in zebrafish.”  Hopefully I’ll have a chance to give Dr. Marlow my award for best use of alliteration in the title of a scientific paper for her Developmental Biology paper titled “Bucky ball functions in Balbiani body assembly and animal-vegetal polarity in the oocyte and follicle cell layer in zebrafish.”

EEB Seminar Oktoberfest Afterparty

Join us for a beer after Xu Wang’s seminar today!  I’ll bring a growler of Naked Dove’s Oktoberfest to share, so bring a mug if you want to give it a shot.  This growler is from the first batch of a new beer that will be arriving in local bars over the next few weeks.  It was brewed with inspiration from the German adage that an Oktoberfest should taste so good you don’t realize how strong it is until you stand up.