How to utilize the sustainability features map

Did you know we have a sustainability features map? During the summer of 2021, University Facilities and Services had three students locate all of the sustainability features across the River… How to utilize the sustainability features map

From tennis courts to canines: University reuse projects

In the waste disposal hierarchy, reusing or repurposing is preferable to recycling. Recycling is more optimal than landfill disposal and saves energy and resources compared to manufacturing items from virgin… From tennis courts to canines: University reuse projects

Announcing the 15th annual E-Cycle Day

On Friday, October 21, University Facilities and Services will hold the fifteenth annual E-Cycle Day, from 6:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Zone 3 South. E-Cycle Day is a convenient… Announcing the 15th annual E-Cycle Day