Sustainability Myths: Does a Lighter Footprint Mean a Lower Standard of Living?

Myth: Many people mistakenly believe that to live a sustainable life is to make sacrifices – to live at a less comfortable level in the name of environmental sustainability. People… Sustainability Myths: Does a Lighter Footprint Mean a Lower Standard of Living?

Sustainability Myths: Leaving the Lights On – That’s a Turnoff

We have all heard this rumor – turning the lights off when you leave the room doesn’t actually save energy. In fact, many people think it wastes energy when you… Sustainability Myths: Leaving the Lights On – That’s a Turnoff

Sustainability Myths: Are Vampire Appliances Sucking the Green Out of Your Lifestyle?

Many people think they are doing their part to go green by simply turning off their TV or computer when it is not being used, but does that cut it?… Sustainability Myths: Are Vampire Appliances Sucking the Green Out of Your Lifestyle?

Truth or Myth: Talking Trash on Recycling

“Why should I bother recycling? It all ends up in the dumpster anyway!” It is almost impossible to talk about recycling at the University, be it with students, faculty or… Truth or Myth: Talking Trash on Recycling