Student’s Corner

Water Conservation

Do you really know how to conserve water? One of the biggest culture shocks I experienced when I first arrived on campus was the difference in environmental priorities. Having grown up in Southern California, I was used to worrying about droughts and the severity of wasting our precious resources. However, I soon realized that Rochester may not worry about water conservation as often since it receives about 33 inches of rain and 77 inches of snow each year. This does not mean we should not be concerned about our water usage, especially during the summer. 

Here are a few tips on how to conserve water in your everyday life:

  • Bathroom
    • Turn off the tap: This tip may be the one we are most familiar with, but it is easy to forget to turn off the tap while we are brushing our teeth or shaving.
    • Fix Leaks: Yes, those few drops of water every minute actually add up. and can make a difference. 
  • Kitchen
    • Dishwasher: You may think washing your dishes by hand requires less water, but that is actually false. Remember to fill up the dishwasher as much as you can before running a cycle. It also helps to scrape food scraps off instead of rinsing them with water. 
    • Defrosting: Instead of rinsing your frozen foods with water, move them into the fridge while you prep the rest of your meal.
  • Outdoors
    • Collect & Use Rainwater: Leave an extra trash can or bucket out when it rains and use it throughout the week to water your plants. 
    • Water at the Right Time: Watering your plants and grass during the evening can prevent evaporation that usually occurs during the hot afternoon.

These tips may not be enough to save our planet from losing all of its freshwater resources, but our efforts will make a difference. The important thing is to raise awareness and bring the issue to the attention of others. What changes will you make to conserve water?

Written by Emily Su, Class of 2022