Meet Danforth “Team Dfo”!

You are stressed academically for this week: 2 exams tomorrow, a project due tonight and lack
of sleep. Tired and hungry, you decide to take a break and get some food in Danforth.

“Bang! Have a nice one!”
“Hey babies, how ya doing?”
“What can I do for you today?”

Suddenly, you not only get your mouth-watering food, but also receive endless energy and
warmth from the Danforth dining staff. Not only are they serving you food, but they care about
all the students they see every day. The combination of a meal and the caring staff has the
ability of relieving all the stress from student life.

Danforth, affectionately known as Dfo, a dining hall on campus, is popular among students
because of their high quality food and friendly staff. Staff here are very easy to have a
conversation with and always welcome students with the warmest of smiles. They love getting to
know students on a personal level, and I feel like I can speak for the majority of the student
body when I say that being greeted warmly by the staff at the front door brightens my day!
Recently, to further promote the Danforth Team (or “Team Dfo”) among students, Dining
Services put up a creative bulletin board near the dish return, recognizing our great staff.

The board has three major components: individual staff profiles, birthdays and staff titles with
everyone’s names and short biographies. Take a moment to read the short introduction and fun
facts of those that make up the cozy Dfo experience. Marlon Melton, has been working at the
University for twelve years. He has four children and enjoys getting to talk with students. He
wants to make sure everyone knows “where their omelets come from.”

Team Danforth, as well as the rest of dining, is hoping to form closer relationships with the
students they serve on a daily basis. Who wouldn’t want to befriend all of the dining workers that
make our busy lives just a little bit easier? Take the time to spark a conversation with the next
dining worker you see.

Have any ideas about sustainability on campus that you’d like to voice or talk to someone
about? Reach out to us @ursustainibble!

Guest Post Written by Can Wang, Dining Team Green Marketing Intern, Class of 2020