How to save energy on campus

With the academic year now in full swing, students, faculty, and staff are back on campus in dorm and office settings. As an employee at the University, it may be easy to overlook your energy consumption since you don’t have to pay a utility bill and no one holds you accountable for how much energy and water you use. Here are some tips on how to be sustainable in an office setting.

Being sustainable in the office:

  • Turn off and unplug all appliances while not in use
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room
  • Use reusable dishware in the office
  • Walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation as often as possible rather than driving
  • Recycle and encourage others to recycle in your office
  • Use double-sided printing
  • Make a pot of coffee and share with your co-workers rather than using a coffee machine that only brews a single cup of coffee
  • Keep your electronics on a low brightness setting to save energy




13 Replies to “How to save energy on campus”

  1. Saving energy is just like a morel education that should be given to students during their academic session. It will develop a habit of saving our resources. Excellent article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Reducing the amount of electricity you use will lower your carbon emissions, whilst also saving you money on energy costs. If you’re out, or not using something, then make sure you turn it off from the wall – this includes computers, lights, and any other electronics. Spending less time on electronics and getting rid of any unnecessary gadgets is another great way to reduce your electricity usage. You should also try dimming the brightness on your mobile phone and turning off 3G/4G/Bluetooth to save electricity and money on charging.

  3. It was a really cool website, with some valuable details as well. That will support me in my task by following the blog all over.The subject you made was soo cool that you said how to save energy on campus.That blog will help to saving energy
    Thanks for the lovely blog.

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