University Conducts a Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory

University Facilities and Services worked with outside consultant O’Brien and Gere to conduct an inventory of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the University. The purpose was to establish a baseline for GHG emissions, use the data to develop a GHG emission reduction plan, and evaluate the impact completed energy projects have had on GHG emissions at Rochester.

Earlier this year, the Student’s Association passed a resolution to establish carbon emissions reduction goals. The University Council on Sustainability agreed to develop a proposed carbon reduction goal that will be forwarded to University Administration within the requested time frame. In order to set carbon emission reduction goals, an inventory of current greenhouse gas emissions was first needed.

The data for the inventory was based on direct and indirect emissions originating from sources ranging from refrigerants and chemicals, agriculture, purchased electricity, faculty, staff, and student commuting, solid waste, mobile sources, and stationary sources. The inventory analyzed data from the last six years on the River Campus, Medical Center, Central Utilities Cogen plant, and other properties directly owned and controlled by the University such as the Memorial Art Gallery, the Eastman School of Music.

The inventory found that 60% of the total greenhouse gases at the University of Rochester are from stationary sources at the Central Utilities Cogen plant, 23% from purchased electricity, 16% from commuting, solid waste, and recycling, and about 1% are from mobile source combustion (i.e. propane and gasoline).  You can view the full report here.

Armed with this information, leadership at the University can work to develop an action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.