Happiness and sustainability

Happiness is:

Something to do

Someone to love

Something to look forward to


Consider yourself fortunate if you are happy and you meet the three criteria above. What more can you ask for?


I am going skiing, with my friends and co-workers, and I am looking forward to becoming a
better skier (someday).


Can we tie happiness to sustainability?


Sustainability is:

Taking care of the earth

Loving the earth and respecting its value

Looking forward to supporting future generations’
enjoyment of the earth and all it has to offer


I am riding my bike to work a few times a year, enjoying the scenery and looking forward to
riding bikes with my grandchildren.


Thinking about the earth, generations from now, gives me pause. How crowded will it be?
Can we support the need for food and  water for everyone? How polluted will our waters be?


Will future generations know happiness as we know it?