Clay’s Green Corner

Planet paramours, greetings! The Corner just cannot believe that the NFL season ends on Sunday (2/5/12). The lockout seemed like months ago. Just because it was, it still seems the season took forever getting here. Did you know your blogger is a football fan? Not only a football fan, but a native of the Philadelphia, PA area which makes Clay’s Green Corner author green with envy since my beloved Eagles have never won a Super (oops, forgot NFL lawyers are EVERYWHERE), The BIG GAME. Excuse me while I reach for a tissue.

Our challenge is how do we tie in one of the most popular unofficial holidays of the year and sustainability? Easy, let’s do this a couple of ways. If you are going out to watch the game, don’t forget to lower your thermostat. Many thermostats are programmable and the most common night of the week when families are together at home is Sunday night (check the TV ratings). Remember to lower that thermostat before you go out. Think a bit about your energy usage on Sundays. Every thing you do to conserve energy has a positive impact. Don’t wait until you are on your way out the door with the wings, beverages, and balloons to power down.

Oh! You are hosting a BIG GAME party! That’s great. I’m sure my invitation is waiting for me when I get home. Thanks so much. We’ll have a blast. The Corner only attends social functions where the hosts practice sustainability, so this is what I’ll be looking for when I show up three hours before kick-off while you are still in the shower and the dog hasn’t been walked yet. Don’t mind me, I won’t be a nuisance. In fact I’ll help you prepare. No, really. I insist.

Drinks: how about a keg of your favorite beer instead of individual bottles/cans? Kegs come in many different sizes these days (how do I know this? Research, kinda, sorta). For other types of beverages, get the large bottle (2L); you’ll have less waste from cans and bottles that are left half full because the can fell behind your couch and you find it in June. Use washable/re-usable mugs and cups. If there are some children around, be careful with glass, but there are plenty of durable containers out there not made of glass that are very fashionable.

Food: If you must, put out a veggie tray. Personally, I never touch the stuff. My body is a temple. A temple of doom, but a temple nonetheless. There are plenty of healthy, tasty snacks and you do want everyone to have a great time, so think about your party goers who have different dietary interests. The old stand-bys of pizza, wings, chili warm the heart and maybe your soul if your team is not doing so well. Variety is where it’s at. Use large washable serving bowls and flatware/utensils. For individual serving dishes and napkins, the real ones are ideal but we know that sometimes there isn’t enough to go around. If you have to purchase disposable plates, napkins, buy products made from recyclable materials and make sure you can recycle what isn’t used. Also, we know folks will bring their own beverages in cans or bottles. Make sure you set-up an extra trash can and clearly mark it for recyclables. You’ll be the coolest kids on the block if you do. And, um don’t forget to make it easy to get to. Remember recycling can be painless.

Transportation: I have confidence in you that if you will be consuming alcohol, you won’t be driving. Why not expand on that and car pool with others. If you can, try to arrange it so Giants fans and Patriot fans don’t ride together. It’s guaranteed somebody will be miserable on the way home. And if they are family members you may find yourself out of that inheritance you’re sure of.

Oh, and one more thing: I know who’s going to win the game. The BIG GAME winner on Sunday will be the………………..have to run to a meeting.

Have a super Sunday. And if you are not a football fan, baseball spring training starts in three weeks.


One Reply to “Clay’s Green Corner”

  1. That is totally great to hear. I did not know her place of origin but I am not surprise if she is a big fan of football. Who does not love football at the first place. I think we all does. Maybe we just differ with the team we are in but the bottom line in here is that if we are a big fan of certain team we sometimes forgot our manners ones someone is talking things against our team. Funny and amusing but that is true.Anyway, thank you for some tips regarding the food and the transportation.


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