Clay’s Green Corner

Planet pals! Hola! The Green Corner has a mighty, mighty terrible case of spring fever. Now, if it ever stops raining here in Western New York, perhaps folks can enjoy the “warmer” weather. Warmer for us is 50 and above. We have low expectations around here.

Latest news for our University of Rochester community is that this July we will be hosting our first Staff Shredding event. Okay, so pretend this is Saw. Oops, no, we’re not shredding staff (and if we ever do, I have a list to get started), but will be taking any documents, junk mail, sensitive paper items and shred them for you. We are partnering with our vendor, Iron Mountain to bring you this event.

Identity theft is no joking matter. We want to help our staff with their peace of mind by hosting an event where they may dispose of  personal papers in an environmentally friendly way. Iron Mountain shreds the documents and recycles the waste. It’s a win-win.

We hope this becomes an annual event just like our Household E-Waste Round-Up. UR folks keep you eyes open for more info about this. We will be communicating  this as we complete commencement activities and roll into the summer. In the meantime if you have any questions….you know where to find me.

Once again, this is a great example of dedication and commitment in University Facilities and Services. We want to be innovative and will strive to provide you the best in services.

As an aside, in what has been a very historical week already, let’s remember our fellow Americans who have lost so much due to the tornados last week in the South. People still need our help. Do what you can and contribute to a charity that helps in relief. Every little bit helps.  Blood is also needed, so open up a vein. You’ll feel great.

2 Replies to “Clay’s Green Corner”

  1. Thanks for the article! I would like to add that if you want to protect your business from identity theft, the steps you would take are very similar to the steps you would take for protecting yourself from personal identity theft.

    These steps include:

    1. Hire a professional document shredding service provider to completely destroy your sensitive documents.
    2. Implement strong logins and passwords for your online accounts and be sure to change them frequently to prevent data breaches.
    3. Limit employee access to any sensitive information. Always keep important information on a need-to-know basis. You wouldn’t give your kids access to your email or amazon account right?
    4. Keep track of your business credit (and expenses) and monitor them on a regular basis. The more often you check your financials, the easier it will be to spot any unusual activity.

    Thanks again for the post!

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