Clay’s Corner

Judy ClayA common theme of our blogs this week is celebrating the ‘unofficial’ start of summer! Many of you will be hitting the road and enjoying well-earned vacations. Our Sustainability Tip of the Week guru, Pat Beaumont wrote how to travel in ‘green style’. I’d like to supplement that by devoting this space to driving, specifically how being a defensive driver goes hand-in-hand with being sustainable. Many of you know how to care for your car and if you have purchased a vehicle recently I’m positive you looked into fuel economy. Here are some tips that will help you get more life out of your car as well as helping the planet.

A defensive driver is a driver that drives to save lives, time and money in spite of the conditions around them and the actions of others (National Safety Council). As a defensive driving instructor, I’d ask that you please consider the following: slow down, you’ll not only use less fuel but you will save lives; keep those tires properly inflated for summer driving; get the oil changed; get a tune-up, these all make a difference; think before you turn that air conditioner to Arctic tempertures, and make sure the A/C has been serviced for optimum efficiency. Living a sustainable life means being around for your loved ones, too: don’t drive while stressed, angry or tired. Be courteous to others on the road. They may not have the driving experience you do, so be patient. Stay alert. We would miss you terribly if you weren’t here.

CNN has just announced that the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is now the worst in history. This has been a very sad and frustrating month not just for those who work with environmental issues but for anyone who cares about OUR home. While the clean-up continues and the impact of this will be felt for years, turn your concern/anger/frustration into action: write your elected representives, let them know how you feel and what you expect from our government. Seek out legitimate wildlife and environmental organizations to see what you can do. Oh, and you may want to drop a line to BP while you’re at it.