Clay’s Corner

Judy Clay

Wha?????? Spring Break already???!! It’s a major holiday for you. Whether you are vacationing or donating your time to a social cause; have a blast doing it. While you are gone, we’re just gonna tidy up a bit, ‘kay?

Oh and before you leave, could you take about 90% of the stuff you brought with you in August and promised to take back home in December but never did? You can make it to the end of the semester without your parka, Prada and purses. And you gals take your stuff, too. Nothing says “I love you wonderful parental people” more than cleaning out that athletic center locker now.

I hope we get a little of this snow melted before you return. You never know what you’ll find under a pile of six week old snow on the Quad. I believe a freshman was recently found and thawed. Can’t let those students from Florida roam around unescorted from November to March.

So, whatever you are off to do, have fun, stay safe, and remember Face Book is forever. And would it hurt to call once in a while. We worry.