LEED Green Associate

Robert Maloney is studying for an important test.  At a university, this may not seem strange; after all, students take tests all the time.  However, Robert is no student—he’s a Project Coordinator for Planning & Project Management here at the University of Rochester—and he’s preparing for the LEED AP Building Design & Construction exam as a LEED Green Associate.

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.  It is a set of standards for “green building” that specifies ways in which the design, construction, and use of a building can be less environmentally damaging and, in some cases, actually have a positive impact on the environment around it.  The University is striving to achieve LEED Silver standards for all our new buildings.  As a LEED Green Associate, Robert is an expert in LEED standards who can help guide a building project towards being more “green.”  They work with contractors, designers, and the client to do things like reduce waste in construction and ensure the installation of energy efficient systems in buildings.  Green Associates also know their way around the specific standards and paperwork associated with LEED certification, which can keep a project moving along smoothly instead of getting caught up in red tape.

To even be eligible to sit for the Green Associate exam, a person must have some background in sustainability.  They must have either attended an education program on green building principles, worked on a LEED-registered project, or worked in a field related to sustainability.  After that, each candidate must sit for a 100 question exam covering 7 different subjects from the LEED application process to water management to public outreach.  Once a candidate has successfully completed the exam, they are become a LEED Green Associate, and are a recognized expert in sustainable building.

Robert is one of a handful of professionals at the University who are undergoing this process.  He acknowledges that it’s difficult to find the time to study for the exam, but he has the support of his department and the University.  Despite the time and effort involved, Robert didn’t hesitate to volunteer for the program.  For him, it’s simple—educating himself and others about sustainable building practices is just “doing the right thing.”

For more information about the LEED Green Associate program, and other professional accreditations, please visit: http://www.gbci.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=28

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