Student’s Corner

Plant Sale and Learning Opportunities

This past weekend, my mom and I had a plant sale on our front lawn in Los Angeles, California. We advertised using social media and posted on different plant enthusiast pages. To our surprise, quite a few people showed up (with face masks, of course) and purchased from our collection.

It was nice to meet people from our community and chat with them. The afternoon was filled with conversations about how people were trying to start gardening and landscaping their homes and offices. They mentioned that quarantine gave them the motivation to go outdoors and get their hands dirty. 

This experience helped remind me of the power of communities and how we can support one another. I also realized that the event provided an opportunity to share sustainable tips and pick up on a few myself. I think small interactions like this are very inspiring and are great ways to spread information. While it is wonderful that our University sustainability community is strong and thriving, sharing our knowledge can create an even larger impact. 

I’m not saying we should all go out and have a plant sale. In fact, this is probably not ideal if you are currently located in Rochester where winter is slowly approaching. However, I just wanted to share my experience with you and attempt to encourage you to find joy in spreading the word about sustainability. 

Some ways you can promote sustainability in your community include sharing news articles and blog posts (like ours!). Teaching by example is a very powerful tool. When your neighbors and friends see how you are doing your best to make the world a better place, they will also be encouraged to do so themselves. Social media makes it easy to share information so be sure to follow our accounts for post ideas.



Instagram: @UR_Sustainable

Written by Emily Su, Class of 2022. 

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