Composting at Home

Today is World Food Day so we invite you to think about where your food waste goes.  Ironically called the ComPost…..Composting is an essential way to dispose of waste. It is the process of returning organic waste back to the earth, and having it biodegrade into soil. Composting diverts waste from landfills, and is a great way to have a visible effect on your local environment. However, not everyone has space in their yard or house for a large compost bin, and not everyone has the time or energy to put lots of work into a garden. Luckily, you don’t need lots of space or a yard to compost.

Many cities offer compost delivery services, where residents place a compost bin next to their recycling and trash bins every week. Rochester does not have municipal compost, but does offer this service through an independent company, Community Composting, which was started in Rochester in 2013. Their mission is to make composting in urban areas more accessible. They also offer educational services, and visit local schools to teach young children the importance of compost and waste diversion.

Residents who want to deliver biodegradable waste themselves can take their compost to a community garden, where they can see the effects of their work grow and bloom. Many gardens also allow community members to take some food with them. Visit to see a list of some gardens in the Rochester area. Composting is now easier than ever, so try it out!