What is the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)?

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is a United States law, passed by the United States Congress in 1976 and administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that regulates the introduction of new or already existing chemicals.

Chemicals can be found in many of the products we use in our everyday lives. Some chemicals pose risks to humans and the environment. Under the

The EPA was directed to set standards for radi...
The EPA was directed to set standards for radioactive materials under Reorganization Plan No. 3 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Pollution Prevention Act, EPA evaluates potential risks from new and existing chemicals and finds ways to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment.  Use this site to get information on chemicals and their regulation under TSCA, on ways to prevent and reduce pollution, and on safer chemicals, products and practices.


Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency