Clay’s Green Corner

Greetings from snowy (finally!!!!!) Western New York. It seems Mother Nature has caught up with us and realized it is January, around the Great Lakes, cold, and precipitation means snow. Here is a friendly reminder from your humble blogger who also is a defensive driving instructor (we are facilities, we do it all): please SLOW down. I know you are a good driver, you know you are a good driver but the laws of physics apply to all. Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you. Clean snow for your entire vehicle. Always, always, always wear your safety belt and make sure all your passengers do also. Finally, “Give Peace a Chance”; be patient with others, show kindness and courtesy on the road. We all have places to be, let’s get there in one piece.

Let’s put down the cell phone, too. Even if you use a hands-free phone (legal in the state of NY, others please check your Department of Motor Vehicles’ web site), your FULL attention should be on the road. You need to keep checking all your mirrors every 3-5 seconds and be prepared for an emergency. Needless to say if I find out you’ve been texting, I will personally stop by and give you a “good, old-fashioned talking to.” If you get my drift. And I know you do.

Right now we are getting a simple taste of what’s in store the rest of the winter, so if you haven’t had your car checked and winterized, please don’t wait any longer. The drivers of vehicles owned by the University of Rochester , have extensive driver training and apply the rules of the road just not at work.  We’re proud of our record and hope all of you practice safe and sound driving tasks today and every day.

You stay safe so we can chat with next week.