Clay’s Green Corner

Greetings cosmos companions. The Green Corner is committed to tackle this season of the year with a great attitude, sprinkled with patience. Of course I’m not speaking of summer, it’s the other main season, construction!

Ahhhhhhh, the traffic jams, the smell of melting tar and heated asphalt, dodging of  raised sewer covers and cars juggling for an extra inch of space. It’s quite fun, this time of year isn’t it? Well, maybe fun isn’t the correct word you’d use. And since this is a family blog, I can’t print how you really feel. So, use your imagination.

We can’t afford either the time, money or other resources expended not to care for our roads. In the perfect world we’d be riding bikes, taking light rail, buses, and shuttles to get around. We’re not there; so we owe it to our environment to do the best we can and keep our fragile infrastructure from decaying at a very rapid pace. You know logically the roads need repair and getting angry, frustrated and impatient isn’t helping you emotionally, and you’re probably not the kindest traveling companion, either.

Construction season is here, be thankful folks are working and when the project is finished your ride will be a little less stressful (I find dodging potholes to be an Olympic sport. You’d be amazed at the number of potholes I can hit in an average day. I consider this a gift as well as an art).

Here are some tips to get you through construction season so you may enjoy the summer season: rechannel your energy and look at the benefits of the construction before you get in your car. We are our attitude, so pump yourself up in a positive manner. Make sure your vehicle is in good running shape. Check and service your air conditioning, get those tires properly inflated, and as always be respectful of the folks working on those projects. They get just as tired and cranky as you, so cut them some slack. When you drive past them give ’em a smile and if you want to wave at them, use all your fingers.

Now take a deep breath, travel to your favorite summer getaway spot and enjoy this really wonderful season.