White Outside, Green Inside!

For everyone here at the University of Rochester, it’s time to think about the upcoming holiday and what you can do to make the holiday Green.

While you are away from the office, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce energy. If you’re interested in setting your thermostats back to avoid wasting heat while you’re away, call facilities and they will set the temperature back in your area. Another one of the biggest ways to reduce energy consumption is to turn off unused devices. Many electronic devices use power even when turned off, so when you leave:

  • Turn off lights
  • Shut down computers (if your department allows)
  • Turn off monitors
  • Unplug speakers, printers, copiers, fax machines, coffee makers, toasters, microwave ovens, and power strips
  • Close windows
  • Close fume hood sashes (lab buildings)

When looking at Christmas trees, many people think a plastic, reusable tree may be more sustainable. Because trees are made from plastics, they required a great deal of fossil fuel in its manufacture. Most real trees come from sustainable tree farms catering specifically to the Christmas tree industry. Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide, and after the holidays, the trees can be recycled into mulch. For an even better solution, consider purchasing a potted tree that could be planted after use and start your own Christmas tree farm!

Finally, when wrapping presents, consider buying recycled wrapping paper. You can try wrapping your gifts in old maps, wallpaper scraps, or newspaper. Better yet try using festive boxes or bags that can be reused the following year!

Enjoy the holidays, and remember that it only takes a few small actions to make a big difference! Thank you for helping us to make the holidays Green!